Natural medicine, also known as phytotherapy, offers a wide range of remedies for a variety of physical and mental ailments. For a peaceful winter, plants can be excellent companions. Inexpensive and, for the most part, easy to prepare, they help the immune system and the body get through the winter.

In today’s article, we present our top 3 plants that can help you enjoy a relaxing, boo-boo-free winter!

1. St John’s wort

Dried St John’s Wort flowers are easy to find in pharmacies or herbalists. Ideal for combating seasonal winter depression and seasonal affective disorders, it also treats insomnia and promotes restful sleep. Since winter is a good time to smoke, you can also use it as part of your smoking cessation program.

St John’s wort tea should be taken as a course of treatment, as its effects are felt after a few weeks.
As with any treatment, St John’s Wort is contraindicated for women with fertility problems, or people suffering from schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or major depression.
Preparations :

● As an infusion: add 2 to 4 g of dried flowers to 150 ml of boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes. Drink three times a day to combat sleep disorders.

● St. John’s wort oil: for massages and poultices to heal wounds and relieve burns, use one part dried plant to ten parts olive oil. Apply this preparation to the affected areas one to three times a day. Massage with this oil to relieve cramps and neuralgia.

2. Rosemary

A virtuous aromatic plant, Rosemary is an excellent natural stimulant. Often used as an infusion, rosemary relieves many ailments, both internally and externally.
Here are a few examples of how Rosemary is used in natural medicine:

External use
– A rosemary bath soothes rheumatism and improves circulation in the legs, feet and hands.
– Massage with natural rosemary oil to relieve muscle or joint pain.

Internal use
– Rinse your mouth with an infusion of rosemary, an excellent remedy for mouth ulcers and small mouth sores.
– Drink rosemary infusions to combat stress, fatigue and insomnia.

3. Echinacea

Echinacea is a real natural shield, helping the immune system to function properly, and is recommended as a support during the winter period. Native to North America, the Cheyenne and Sioux Indians used it to fight respiratory infections, toothache and snake bites.

Today, research recognizes its use as an adjunctive treatment for upper respiratory tract infections (nose, throat, larynx) and chronic urinary tract infections (adjunctive treatment).

– Infuse 1 g dried roots or aerial parts in 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink 1 to 6 cups a day.

– Boil 1 g of Echinacea root in 1 cup of water for 5 to 10 minutes. Take up to 3 cups a day.
It’s important to take echinacea at the first sign of an upper respiratory infection (cold, sinusitis, laryngitis, etc.).

Herbal medicine is ideal for combating fatigue, sleep problems, stress, poor blood circulation, etc. It allows you to act naturally without suffering side effects, as long as you choose the right plant for the right ailment (preferably in consultation with a professional)!

To find out more about plants and natural medicine, you can call 01 87 64 35 43 to book your free place at our next presentation near you, or follow us on Facebook by clicking here.